Harmony in Business Between Humans and AI

May 4, 2023

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is on the rise in the modern world. Think about how our daily lives have already changed as a result. Banks notify us when transactions are unusual. We can use self-checkout kiosks at grocery stores. Vehicles also alert us to collisions and delays.

It’s everywhere, so it’s hardly surprising that technology giants like Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI are setting the pace. Recently, all three companies unveiled ground-breaking chatbots powered by AI that can do anything code, speak, argue, organize, write you name it. But despite how thrilling this development is, it can also scare the Filipino workforce.

Benefits and Drawbacks of a World with More and More AI

Let’s start by defining our framework, which is the labor market, which includes both blue- and white-collar workers as well as the businesses that employ them. We’ll limit our discussion of the advantages and negatives in this situation to the three most important ones for each.


  • Accuracy – AI is programmed to be accurate and is always learning. Although there have been noteworthy faults, it’s close to being perfect. This is true for all types of workplaces, from factories using robots to weld cars to offices using analytics software to provide data.
  • In the absence of any unplanned disruptions or significant downtime, it is accessible around the clock. Chatbots are arguably the best illustration of this. They may not always be able to fix customer service problems, but they are always willing to at least try.
  • By providing fresh ideas or improving on already existing ones, creativity enhances human beings. Consider the brand-new ChatGPT. With the right information, it can generate relevant content ideas and even write them robotically, reducing some tedious work involved in a challenging process.



  • Cost – Using and developing artificial intelligence can be expensive. Even though the aforementioned ChatGPT is now inexpensive (ChatGPT Plus costs $20 per month), other types of AI can be pricey when you take into account expenditures related to purchasing, implementation, and use.
  • Disconnect: There is no human-to-human connection available. It cannot foster a sense of camaraderie among staff or create sincere connections with clients. It will never serve as a brand’s representative authentically and sympathetically.
  • Unemployment – While it will result in some job losses, most experts think that it may also result in gains that are sufficient to make up for the losses. Whatever the case, it has already taken over some employment and will continue to do so. Additionally, the employment it generates might call for brand-new skill sets that don’t even exist yet.

Potential Implications for Workforce Management

Even while AI is increasingly permeating the workplace, it is challenging to predict what effect it will have in the long run. Over the next ten years, AI is predicted to impact millions to hundreds of thousands of jobs in the Philippines. Whatever our destination, it’s obvious that the workplace will alter to some extent.

What may that specifically entail for employers? Let’s dissect it.


Speaking of skills, AI will demand more in the future. Almost every worker has a first or second-degree tie to automation, predictive analytics, or robots, whether they are aware of it or not. They may have acquired talents already as a result of this link. It’s possible that this relationship cost them their job.

There has been a paradigm change in either case. One razor-sharp skill is no longer enough; it is now necessary to both have that skill and learn new ones.

Consider a warehouse employee. They might have been employed and kept as entry-level employees early in their careers only based on their work ethic. They are dependable, effective, and devoted. But with time, things at work have altered. The complexity of inventory software increased first. Some forklifts were then made automated.

This person can either stay put and rely solely on their work ethic to keep their employment or they can advance by learning how to use the software and repair the forklifts. The decision this person makes could mean the difference between advancement and unemployment.


Finding the proper talent may become more challenging as AI assumes a larger role in various occupations and calls for new hard and soft abilities from humans. For instance, it might be advantageous to have a customer service agent with a high level of emotional intelligence take over at that point to settle the problem in a personal, sympathetic way if AI can raise a complex customer service complaint to that point in the process.

On the B2B client services side, an analytical person may be required to analyze the client relationship management data that some AI technologies create. What caused the program to recognize this data?

Positively, AI is already assisting businesses in finding and developing the right personnel. At LHH, we anticipate that a growing dependence on AI, combined with a human touch, will assist us in resolving any recruitment-related issues.


As we previously stated, certain job losses will be caused by AI. This was already evident when robots were introduced to the manufacturing of automobiles, food production, supply chains, and logistics. It might occur with more professional services employment in the future.

To what extent and when still require educated speculation? In any case, this poses a challenge for employers.

Duties of Business Executives

AI is significantly influencing the workplace and, in turn, workforce management. It’s critical for leaders, especially those in HR, to be informed on the most recent advancements in AI that may have an impact on their organization. Do you pay attention to your coworkers in the departments of finance, marketing, operations, production, and other areas?

Better better, do you proactively inquire with them about work enhancement and/or replacement technologies like automation, robotization, and other technologies? To make appropriate plans, you need to be aware of what’s coming up.



Remember your folks above all else. Work-life integration and work-life balance have received more attention in recent years than ever before. Being unprepared to benefit from AI-induced advances can change your life. Especially when new technologies are being incorporated into their roles, take into account the efforts your organization is doing to offer employees career mobility and upskilling, even if there is a danger that their newfound unit mobility may lead them away.

And think about what you would do for them if AI did replace their position, such as retraining them, relocating them, or terminating their employment with benefits like severance and outplacement.

These difficulties are presumably ones you have already encountered; if not, it is only a matter of time before you do. You’ll be in a better position to achieve the ideal balance between artificial intelligence and real intelligence tomorrow if you put more effort now into preparing.